How To Port A PC Game To The Console?

Game lovers often come up with a question for the developers asking them to put their favorite PC game into the console.
How to port a PC game to the console?

Game lovers often come up with a questions for the developers, asking them to put their favorite PC game into the console. To the knowledge of most people, porting a game involves a lot of work. The process of porting a game involves a fair amount of time since it involves complex development as well as covering several legal issues. Nowadays, not only is it possible for the developers to port a game to a console, but there are also some ways for the non-developers. But first, let us look at the solution for the developers.

Getting access to the devkit

Game porting from a PC to a console requires maintaining some necessary conditions. One of them is getting proper access to a devkit. It is nothing but a package which is installable and covers all the hardware and software needed in the development of a console game. To publish a game on the PS store, one needs to have access to a devkit or just have a personal devkit. Interaction between a devkit and a developer is done generally in two ways.

1. Signing a deal with the publisher

Game publishers seldom provide the developers with online access to devkits through the publishing accounts. If someone is an amateur in developing a console title, it is a fair option. Having the option helps with all the important information, SDKs, and other features without spending any money on them.

2. Having a devkit of one’s own

People who want to develop more than one console title may face problems with the remotely accessed devkits. In such cases, they should have a devkit of their own. It can be fetched by applying to the development program. Having a personal devkit makes one equipped with the necessary documents, and they can get access to close networks. One wishing to possess devkits without spending on them should enroll in the Independent Developer program. An alpha version with presentable and quality resources selected by Microsoft, which provides the selected developers with free devkits.

Putting the game over the platform

Settling with the regional office, the developers need to do something to prove that their game holds value in the store. This can be achieved by notifying the platform head and sharing the game design to validate the game’s presence. Passing the test provides access to the platform plugins that will be helping to make the game PlayStation-ready. Developers using third-party licenses should make sure they are authentic and confirmed.


Optimisation is one of the very grim processes while putting up a game on the PlayStation. The porting team should always optimize their games to make them run on a PS4 or maybe Xbox One. This is because PlayStation’s hardware is quite outdated and equivalent to other mobile hardware with the same capacity of working. One thing that acts as a hindrance is memory. The management of memory and uploading is the most important aspect in the making of the project. Furthermore, the optimisation of CPU and GPU is also a priority that comes in after memory management. Available memory title space is already provided in the video memory of a device. Games with enhanced resolution will consume more graphic memory. Hence, CPU and GPU optimization both are important.


Apart from developing the game, getting it certified takes a lot of time. The console is not the same as a platform like Play Store and has strict rules and regulations to abide by. Following the console requirements at the earliest time surely helps the developer to get them verified within due time. The console certification process is more or less covered in the following points below:

  • Uploading the game to the environment of the console.
  • Slot booking in the store to get themselves certified.
  • Getting the resulting outcome and making the necessary changes maximum within 2 weeks starting from the publication of the result.
  • Repeat the above processes more and more until and unless the game is approved by the console.
  • Releasing several add-ons and patches can also make the certification process fast. To save further time on getting certified, one may apply a Waiver request to the console support.

Non-developers do not need to worry

Non-developers do not need to be upset to port PC games to a console. There is an answer to that.


The person first needs to plugin the devkits and set up his accounts to use them. It demands a valid IP address. One not having it has to set up one. Besides, the incense keys are to be registered properly. One should start figuring out a spot to let the console connect to the Computer.

Exporting from the game engine

Although the use of Unity to export to a console is easy, the user has to get a special plugin to get it done. Setting up a desirable version to match the plugin is crucial. There is also a need for a separate license to cover exporting.

Specific features of the platform

To start a game on the console, things like version checks, user identification, and matchmaking need to be removed. Adding up user accounts, social integration, and interfaces are also important for access to Xbox accounts.


Releasing a game on the console involves a process of getting certified. The game needs to be multi variational to stand against the challenges posed by the certification authority. While some are just rules to be followed, others may also indicate things to be added. One has to test the game to fix the popped-up issues and hence certification may take longer than usual.

Age ratings

Considered to be among the most faced issues, developing a game and running it on a console is not that easy. Different countries have their own set of requirements and government boards. So, one needs to submit the game to the rating organizations of various countries.

Game release

Having done the above processes, one needs to decide on a launch date by conversing with the console. The release date should be chosen in such a way that the game will come to the notice of a maximum number of people.

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