How to use the Inspect Option on MacBook?

How to use the Inspect Option on MacBook?

The Inspect option opens a different universe in front of you. It allows you to look at all the different elements in action to create the website, you can check out the console, look at the integration and fix UI flaws. But how do you access the Inspect option?

The Inspect option lifts the lid off the website and lets you look at everything at play under the web page. It’s a developer’s heaven. Developers can use the inspect option to look at elements, edit out flaws in the user interface, check the performance and the security of a website. The question is how do you reach this place?

Opening Inspect in Chrome

When you are browsing with Chrome, opening the Inspect tab takes two clicks.

  • Right click anywhere on the web page
  • Select Inspect from the pop-up window

This will open the Inspect window and you will see tabs like Elements, Console, Performance, Memory, etc at the top.

The same trick works for Firefox. Right click anywhere, click on Inspect, and you are there.

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Opening Inspect on Safari

Safari doesn’t give you access to the Inspect Elements option from the right click menu, you need to follow a few more steps to get access to it. Don’t worry, it’s all very simple.

  • Open your Safari Browser
  • Click on the Safari icon
  • Select Preferences
  • Locate the option that says Show Develop menu in menu bar
  • Check the box adjacent to the menu

You will notice that an option called Develop appears on the menu bar. You can use the deveop menu to perform a lot of tasks, clearing cachces, for instance. Anyway, enabling the develop menu also enables the Inspect option on Safari.

Right click, and you will see the Inspect Elements option. Click on it to access the Inspect Window. 

Note that you can make changes in the user interface using the Inspect Element option. If you do not know what you are doing, it can land you in a fix. So be careful and browse safe.

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