A Japanese manga series, written and illustrated by Hiroyuki Takei, Shaman King: Flowers, was adapted into an anime television series. Debuted in January 2024, the series ran across several Japanese television networks including TX Network and AT-X. Since the series was initially limited to Japanese fans, it was greatly anticipated by anime enthusiasts worldwide. In a recent development, Netflix has announced the premiere of Shaman King: Flowers across its streaming platform.
What are the release dates of Shaman King: Flowers on Netflix?
Shaman King: Flowers, an anime television series by Bridge, made its television debut on TV Tokyo and aired between January and April 2024. The series, soon after its appearance, earned immense appreciation for its animation and groundbreaking performance of the cast.
Following the exceptional success of the series, its streaming rights were acquired by Netflix and is set to make its digital debut on April 21, 2024.
What is The Plot of Shaman King: Flowers?
The storyline of Shaman King: Flowers takes place after the exploits of Asakura Yoh’s Son, Asakura Hana. A synopsis of the series was released in January that reads,
Hana has grown up to become a lazy and brutal kid. He doesn’t care about his studies, skips classes often, gets into gang fights and feels very bored with his everyday life. All that changes when members of the branch Asakura Family—Yohane and Luca—arrive to challenge and kill Hana and his father Yoh to take their place as the main house. Hana begins to learn about the upcoming “Flower of Maize”, which is a proxy battle among the Shaman Kings.
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Who is the Voice Cast of Shaman King: Flowers?
Besides the animation, the series received critical acclaim from the Japanese audience for its voice cast. The list includes,
- Nana Mizuki as Tamao Tamamura
- Takumu Miyazono as Ponchi
- Noriaki Kanze as Konchi
- Masahiko Tanaka as Ryūnosuke Umemiya
- Wataru Takagi as Tokagerō
- Nana Mizuki as Tamao Tamamura
- Takumu Miyazono as Ponchi
- Noriaki Kanze as Konchi
- Masahiko Tanaka as Ryūnosuke Umemiya
- Wataru Takagi as Tokagerō
How Many Episodes Are There In Shaman King: Flowers?
In the upcoming Netflix series, there are a total of 12 episodes. The series has received worldwide anticipation and is expected to attract impressive viewership on Netflix. Besides the web series, a film adaption of the novel was released in 2021. It was made available on Netflix shortly after it was released.