Water in space theory is not new. Many scientists have worked very hard to discover if there’s any water in space. And what they have found out gives us more hope for our space exploration endeavours. As you know, water consists of Oxygen and Hydrogen — both of these elements are available in space. Oxygen remains after stars explode, whereas Hydrogen is found in interstellar matter. So far, we have discovered water on Uranus, Venus, Mars, Neptune, and Saturn’s rings. And there are also many satellites that have it, too — including our Moon and some interstellar clouds outside the Milky Way.
Scientists discovered that a water vapour cloud formed at a 12 billion light-years distance from Earth. And this cloud is bigger than anyone can even imagine. You should learn that water in space doesn’t exist in its liquid form, but it’s frozen. After all, space is nothing but a vacuum, and liquids can’t be present in a vacuum. And since there’s zero pressure and low temperature in space, any liquid instantly becomes vapour and after freezes. The pieces of ice it forms are tiny. Astronauts discovered this when releasing urine from a spacecraft. They noticed that the urine first started to boil and after crystallized.
Where is water found in space?

It is available both in our Solar System and likely beyond. There’s also reservoir water in space that could comprise a total of 140 trillion oceans. Just imagine — 4,000 times more water than in the entire Milky Way. This reservoir seems to be spread around a quasar’s gaseous region. A quasar is a luminous and compact region in the centre of any galaxy. And quasars are fuelled by black holes. However, this discovery wasn’t the first to reveal there’s water in the Universe. However, it has never been found at such a great distance before.
And in our Solar System, water was found in 23 different places — Europa, Enceladus, Ganymede, Callisto, Ceres, and even on Mars. Some evidence suggests that an ancient ocean evaporated on Mars. Besides, this same planet is covered in seasonal water ice. According to scientists, there might be water underneath the planet’s surface as well. Pluto, on the other hand, is an icy world. It’s very likely that new discoveries about this planet will reveal that Pluto was once an ocean.
Is there a lot of water in space?
According to Orbital Today, yes — quite a lot and probably more than we know of because space remains a largely unexplored area. Besides, scientists believe that the water we have on Earth also came from space. According to science, space has many liquids that got created during the Big Bang, when Oxygen and Hydrogen were released from the stars that were dying. Laurette Piani, who’s a cosmochemist at the Université de Lorraine, however, says that the ingredients forming liquid in space already existed in rocks that were down here on Earth.
But we shouldn’t preoccupy ourselves with water down here on Earth coming from space or not. What’s most important for our planet’s space exploration future is to know just how much water is out there in space and where exactly we can access it. From what we already know, living in space and on other planets no longer seems such an impossible dream. Having reserves of water in space, we can be sure that we will survive without relying on transports from Earth.
What is the largest body of water in space?
The largest body of water in space was discovered far outside our galaxy. The research behind this discovery was partially funded by NASA. According to Matt Bradford, who works for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Pasadena Laboratory, the environment that surrounds the quasar is unique and produces even more water than originally estimated. In other words, the quasar produces more water as time passes, so its resource could be infinite.
The vapour inside this quasar gets distributed around the black hole and spans for hundreds of light years. Measures of this vapour and some other molecules like carbon monoxide indicate that the black hole gets enough gas to grow around six times in size. You might wonder, is there water inside a black hole? And you would be right to have such a curiosity. Well, find out that yes. There is water in a black hole, and this specific black hole seems to be holding as much liquid as 140 trillion oceans would. With this in mind, our opportunities for surviving in space are very tangible and not as far-fetched as one might think.